A Retained Executive Search, Career Development, and Consulting Organization




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This form is for the Exclusive use of Management, Senior Management, and C-Level Executives,
in the Travel, Tourism, Transportation, Hospitality/Lodging, Leisure, and Recreational Industries.

Understanding How We Work
(Click Here)


IMPORTANT UPDATE: Currently we are upgrading our entire system, in lieu of keeping you waiting, we have created a new Interim Executive Application (IEA). Please click link and follow all directions. You will be filling out a .pdf, upon completion save it on your desktop and email it to me info@pjasonkingassociates.com Place in SUBJECT – Your Name & Date

InterimExecutiveApplicationClick Here



This form is for the Exclusive use of Management and Senior Management Executives,
in the Travel, Tourism, Transportation, Hospitality, Leisure, and Recreational Industries.

Understanding How We Work
(Click Here)

NOTE: Since our inception, we have upgraded and enhanced our database systems annually. We recognize that we are asking you to fill out some items which may appear redundant, since you have filled out that same information in a different part of our Application. The information you provide is generated to many different sections of your file. This is done to insure that your background, experience and many other factors are properly sourced by our Executive Recruitment Team.

It is essential that you complete all applicable information.
Fields identified with an asterisk (*) ARE REQUIRED.

 Part 1 RÉSUMÉ Mandatory 
 Résumé Code # (Leave Blank)
 * Home Email:
 * Residence (City, State, Country)
 * Will you Relocate? (Yes/No/Possible)
 * Virtual (Home) Office (Yes/No)
 * Current/Last Position/Title
 * Additional Job Functions (max 5 words)
 * Years in Travel Business
 * Current/Last Base Salary (No Perks Plz)
 Contract (Yes/No)
 Non-compete (Yes/No)
 Commissions/Incentives/Bonuses (need in USD)
 Education (BA, BS, MA, MBA, etc.)
 CONTACT: (Leave Blank)
 Résumé Code # (Leave Blank)
Enter Your Objective/Overview/Summary (Remove bullets or symbols - do not use tabs)

Enter the Five most recent companies you have worked for starting with the most recent.
As they appear on your Résumé, please list the companies you have worked for by Name and provide us with the type of business they are engaged in. Start with most recent or current company.
For Example -
Company: XYZ Company
Company Description: Caribbean Tour Operator

Company Name  (Most recent)

What is the function or type of company?
(Do not exceed 5 words)
Company Name  (Next most recent)
What is the function or type of company? (Do not exceed 5 words)
Company Name  (Before that)
What is the function or type of company? (Do not exceed 5 words)
Company Name  (Before that)
What is the function or type of company? (Do not exceed 5 words)
Company Name  (Before that)
What is the function or type of company? (Do not exceed 5 words)

All Work Experience (Remove bullets or symbols - do not use tabs)
IMPORTANT READ CAREFULLY: PASTE THE ENTIRE "BODY" of Your Résumé Here, excluding "Summary", "Overview", "Objective", "Education", "Languages", etc. those other parts or sections of your Résumé should be Pasted or Typed in appropriate areas. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR APPLICATION WITHOUT YOUR RÉSUMÉ PASTED OR TYPED HERE.

Education: Be sure to enter name of school, degree if applicable, dates are optional. Remove bullets or symbols - do not use tabs

Additional Skills: Such as WP, Excel, Powerpoint,CRS's, etc.   Remove bullets or symbols - do not use tabs


Fluent Languages (if applicable)


 Part 2 APPLICATION Mandatory 
 * Indicates Required Field

1. * How did you learn of our service? Be specific.
If a friend recommended you, please enter his/her name.

Referral's Name:
2A.* Actual number of years/months in the Travel Industry?
Years: Months:
2B. If you have not worked in the last 6 months or longer, please explain:
3. If currently unemployed in Travel Industry, enter the month & year of your last travel industry position? (MM/YY)
4. * Your Legal Name:
First Middle Last
5. Social Security #:   (000-00-0000)
6. * Address: (PO Box Not Acceptable)
7. * City:
8. * State:
9. * Zip Code:
10. * Country:
11. * Last or Present Position Dates: From (MM/YY):    To (MM/YY):
If you are presently employed type the word "PRESENT" in the "To" field.
12. * Reason for leaving or reason you wish to leave:
13. * Company Name:
Note: All candidates' present employment is held in strict confidence. We will never contact your current employer for references or verification of any kind.
14. * City/State of present or last position:
15. * Your Title:
   If you work in a travel agency,
what's your business mix?
Corporate Leisure Other
% % %
16. * Current or Last Base Annual Salary (please do not include any benefits, incentives, bonuses, or perks). $
17. * Minimum acceptable annual base salary? ("Negotiable" is NOT Acceptable) $

Relocation Preferences 
I do not wish to relocate (skip to line 21)
18. 1st Choice 
19. 2nd Choice
20. 3rd Choice

21. * Home Phone including area code:  (000-000-0000)
22.* Best Time to Reach:
23.* Time Zone:
24. * Home E-Mail Address:
24b. OPTIONAL: Work E-Mail Address:
     (with your permission)
24c. In order for us to send you an email at work you must type your name here. Your Name Typed here provides your Approval for being contacted by Business e-mail.
25. Work Phone, including area code:  (000-000-0000)
26. Best Time to Reach You at this number:
27. Time Zone:
28. Are your business phones monitored?
29. Do you have a Pager/Beeper? 
If Yes to # 29, please provide # including area code:  (000-000-0000)
30. Do you have a Cell Phone?
If Yes to #30, please provide #, including area code:  (000-000-0000)

Previous or Prior Position:

31. Last Position Dates:
From (MM/YY): To (MM/YY):
a. b.
31c. Company Name:
31d. City/State of this position:
31e. Title:
   31f. If you work in a travel agency,
what's your business mix?
Corporate Leisure Other
% % %
31g. Last Base Annual Salary (please do not include any benefits, incentives, bonuses, or perks). $
31h. Reason for leaving:

Previous Position:

32. Last Position Dates:
From (MM/YY): To (MM/YY):
a. b.
32c. Company Name:
32d. City/State of this position:
32e. Title:
   32f. If you work in a travel agency,
what's your business mix?
Corporate Leisure Other
% % %
32g. Last Base Annual Salary (please do not include any benefits, incentives, bonuses, or perks). $
32h. Reason for leaving:

36. * Last level completed:
37. School Name:
38. CTC
Travel School Grad Length Year Graduated
39. Fluent Language(s):

Business References
Please follow the instructions below carefully!

 List up to 3 business references; if you have worked for fewer than three companies, list as applicable.
 We must be able to contact THE PERSON TO WHOM YOU REPORTED during your employment at each position.
 If that person is NO LONGER WORKING for the company for which you worked, we must still be able to contact that person at his/her new company, or at home if they are retired.
 While ALL the contact information is required, the most important to you is the current e-mail address of each of these people. If you do not provide this e-mail address, YOUR APPLICATION WILL BE DELAYED.
Note:  All candidates' present employment is held in strict confidence.
We will NEVER contact your current employer for references or verification of any kind.
Reference #1

* 40. Current or Last Employer:

* 40a. Report or Reported to:

* 40b. Person's Title:

  * 40c. Phone Number including area code:

* 40d. E-mail address:

  Present Co. if different from above

Person's Title:

  Phone Number including area code:

E-mail address:

Reference #2

Previous Employer:

Report or Reported to:

Person's Title:

  Phone Number including area code:

E-mail address:

  Present Co. if different from above

Person's Title:

  Phone Number including area code:

E-mail address:

Reference #3

Previous Employer:

Report or Reported to:

Person's Title:

  Phone Number including area code:

E-mail address:

  Present Co. if different from above

Person's Title:

  Phone Number including area code:

E-mail address:

43. CRS/GDS Expertise:

44. If a Prospective Employer requests one or more of the following as a condition of making you an "Offer of Employment", will you submit?
* a. Credit Check Yes  No
* b. Criminal Check Yes  No
* c. Drug Test Yes  No
* d. Intelligence Test Yes  No
* e. Integrity Test Yes  No
* f. Live Video Interview Yes  No
* g. Enter your Real Name:
* h. Enter today's date to confirm your answers: (MM/DD/YYYY)

45. * Personal overview of Travel Industry Background (please limit to approx 25 words). DO NOT abbreviate words, our scanner cannot read those words. You must provide us with an overview.

Skills and Abilities
Please follow the instruction below to properly complete this section of your application.
IMPORTANT: Each Category may contain many Skills/Functions that pertain to YOU. Please Scroll and Designate how many Years and/or Months Experience you have that may apply.

EXAMPLE: Travel Manager - Categories may include Corporate, Leisure, Administative, Destinations, Automation, etc. - Indicate each area separately.

Note: It is crucial that you fill out this part of the application relevant to your Current skills. We suggest you scroll through all the different sections and determine which sections best describe your particular Current skills and knowledge.

 Administrative Management
Executive: Yrs:  Mo:
Office Mgr: Yrs:  Mo:
Training: Yrs:  Mo:
Benefits HR: Yrs:  Mo:
Travel Arrangements: Yrs:  Mo:
Meetings: Yrs:  Mo:
Lotus: Yrs:  Mo:
Excel: Yrs:  Mo:
 Airline Management
Marketing: Yrs:  Mo:
Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Advertising: Yrs:  Mo:
Finance: Yrs:  Mo:
Administration: Yrs:  Mo:
Rates/Tariffs: Yrs:  Mo:
Yield Management: Yrs:  Mo:
Reservations: Yrs:  Mo:
Ramp: Yrs:  Mo:
CTO: Yrs:  Mo:
Flight Crew: Yrs:  Mo:
Airport Ops: Yrs:  Mo:
Baggage: Yrs:  Mo:
ATO: Yrs:  Mo:
 Ground Transportation Management
Marketing: Yrs:  Mo:
Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Advertising: Yrs:  Mo:
Finance: Yrs:  Mo:
Administration: Yrs:  Mo:
Car Rental: Yrs:  Mo:
Motorcoach: Yrs:  Mo:
Bus: Yrs:  Mo:
Rail: Yrs:  Mo:
Administration: Yrs:  Mo:
Operations: Yrs:  Mo:
Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Marketing: Yrs:  Mo:
Advertising: Yrs:  Mo:
Promotions: Yrs:  Mo:
Public Relations: Yrs:  Mo:
Finance/Accounting: Yrs:  Mo:
Call Center/Reservations: Yrs:  Mo:
Rates/Tariffs: Yrs:  Mo:
Yeild Management: Yrs:  Mo:
Ticket Offices: Yrs:  Mo:
Baggage: Yrs:  Mo:
 Automation & Technology Management
Programming: Yrs:  Mo:
Design: Yrs:  Mo:
Purchasing: Yrs:  Mo:
Installation: Yrs:  Mo:
Maintenance: Yrs:  Mo:
LAN: Yrs:  Mo:
WAN: Yrs:  Mo:
Scriptwriter: Yrs:  Mo:
Automated QC: Yrs:  Mo:
MIS/IT: Yrs:  Mo:
Web Developer: Yrs:  Mo:
Trainer: Yrs:  Mo:
Apollo: Yrs:  Mo:
Sabre: Yrs:  Mo:
Worldspan: Yrs:  Mo:
Amadeus: Yrs:  Mo:
Galileo: Yrs:  Mo:
Cobra: Yrs:  Mo:
In-House: Yrs:  Mo:
Invoicing & Itineraries: Yrs:  Mo:
Other CRS/GDS: Yrs:  Mo:
DBase: Yrs:  Mo:
Microsoft: Yrs:  Mo:
PC: Yrs:  Mo:
MAC: Yrs:  Mo:
Excel: Yrs:  Mo:
Lotus: Yrs:  Mo:
Adobe Photoshop: Yrs:  Mo:
Adobe Illustrator: Yrs:  Mo:
HTML: Yrs:  Mo:
Quark: Yrs:  Mo:
PowerPoint: Yrs:  Mo:
Windows: Yrs:  Mo:
Accounting Sys Interface: Yrs:  Mo:
Cars & Hotels: Yrs:  Mo:
Back Office Systems (Enter System Name)
#1: Yrs:  Mo:
#2: Yrs:  Mo:
#3: Yrs:  Mo:
 Call Center Management
Within Travel Industry: Years: Months:
Outside Travel Industry: Years: Months:
Stations Managed:
50-100 Multiple Locations
101-150   Singular Location
151-300   ACD
301-500   Monitoring
 Corporate Travel Management
Marketing: Yrs:  Mo:
Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Advertising: Yrs:  Mo:
Finance: Yrs:  Mo:
Administration: Yrs:  Mo:
Current Personal Gross: $
International: Yrs:  Mo:
Domestic: Yrs:  Mo:
Rates/Tariffs: Yrs:  Mo:
VIP: Yrs:  Mo:
Visa & Passports: Yrs:  Mo:
Entertainment: Yrs:  Mo:
QC: Yrs:  Mo:
Personal Transactions per Month:
Volume Personally Handled:
under $1 Million  
$1 Million   $2.0 Million
$1.5 Million   $2.5+ Million
On-Site: Yrs:  Mo:
STP: Yrs:  Mo:
CAS: Yrs:  Mo:
Group Manager: Yrs:  Mo:
Trainer: Yrs:  Mo:
Branch Mgr: Yrs:  Mo:
On-Site Mgr: Yrs:  Mo:
Ops Mgr: Yrs:  Mo:
Dir. Ops: Yrs:  Mo:
General Mgr: Yrs:  Mo:
Total Air Volume for Office
(Corporate Travel Managers must indicate)
$1-5 MM (Gross Air)
$6-10MM   $26-50MM
$11-15MM   $51-75MM
$16-20MM   $76-99MM
$21-25MM   $100MM+
 Vacation/Leisure Travel Management
Marketing: Yrs:  Mo:
Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Advertising: Yrs:  Mo:
Finance: Yrs:  Mo:
Administration: Yrs:  Mo:
Current Personal Gross $
Qualifier CAS: Yrs:  Mo:
Visa/Passport: Yrs:  Mo:
Cruises: Yrs:  Mo:
Upscale/Deluxe: Yrs:  Mo:
Adventure: Yrs:  Mo:
Niche Markets:
Volume Handled: $
International: Yrs:  Mo:
Domestic: Yrs:  Mo:
Cruise Only: Yrs:  Mo:
Spa: Yrs:  Mo:
IATA Qualifier: Yrs:  Mo:
ECO: Yrs:  Mo:
FIT: Yrs:  Mo:
GIT: Yrs:  Mo:
DIT: Yrs:  Mo:
Brochures/Flyers: Yrs:  Mo:
Trainer: Yrs:  Mo:
Supervisor: Yrs:  Mo:
Branch Mgr: Yrs:  Mo:
Vacation Desk (In Corp): Yrs:  Mo:
General Mgr: Yrs:  Mo:
Director Leisure Ops: Yrs:  Mo:
Regional Mgr/Dir Yrs:  Mo:
 Tour Operator/Wholesale Management
Marketing: Yrs:  Mo:
Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Advertising: Yrs:  Mo:
Finance: Yrs:  Mo:
Administration: Yrs:  Mo:
Outbound: Yrs:  Mo:
Inbound: Yrs:  Mo:
Visa/Passports: Yrs:  Mo:
Consolidation: Yrs:  Mo:
Student Travel: Yrs:  Mo:
Tradeshows: Yrs:  Mo:
Cruises: Yrs:  Mo:
Upscale/Deluxe: Yrs:  Mo:
Adventure: Yrs:  Mo:
Eco-Tourism: Yrs:  Mo:
Yield Management: Yrs:  Mo:
International: Yrs:  Mo:
Domestic: Yrs:  Mo:
Allotments: Yrs:  Mo:
Block Space: Yrs:  Mo:
Charters: Yrs:  Mo:
Costings: Yrs:  Mo:
Manifests: Yrs:  Mo:
Meetings/Convention: Yrs:  Mo:
Negotiations: Yrs:  Mo:
Operations: Yrs:  Mo:
Reservations: Yrs:  Mo:
Packages: Yrs:  Mo:
Rooming Lists: Yrs:  Mo:
Site Selection: Yrs:  Mo:
Tour Escort/Dir: Yrs:  Mo:
Motorcoach Operations: Yrs:  Mo:
Hotel Dept: Yrs:  Mo:
Tour Brochure: Yrs:  Mo:
Product Development: Yrs:  Mo:
Supervisor: Yrs:  Mo:
Mgr: Yrs:  Mo:
Director: Yrs:  Mo:
Groups: Yrs:  Mo:
Associations: Yrs:  Mo:
Affinities: Yrs:  Mo:
Incentive: Yrs:  Mo:
Religious: Yrs:  Mo:
Fraternal: Yrs:  Mo:
Zoos: Yrs:  Mo:
SMERF: Yrs:  Mo:
Destination Knowledge
The World
(excluding USA, Canada, Bermuda - found under North America)
Please Note:
Destination Knowledge is in depth experience with an area and its amenities.
E = Excellent Knowledge       S = Some Knowledge
British Isles
England E  S
Scotland E  S
Wales E  S
Ireland E  S

Norway E  S
Sweden E  S
Finland E  S
Denmark E  S


E  S

Belgium E  S
Netherlands E  S
Luxembourg E  S

Western Europe
Portugal E  S
Spain E  S
France E  S
Monaco E  S
Germany E  S
Switzerland E  S
Austria E  S
Italy E  S
Greece E  S

Eastern Europe
Poland E  S
Czech Republic E  S
Slovakia E  S
Hungary E  S
Yugoslavia E  S
Croatia E  S
Bosnia/Herzegovina E  S
Russia E  S
Romania E  S
Bulgaria E  S
Albania E  S

Former Soviet Union - Europe
Lithuania E  S
Estonia E  S
Latvia E  S
Byelarus E  S
Ukraine E  S
Moldova E  S

Middle East
Turkey E  S
Cyprus E  S
Syria E  S
Lebanon E  S
Iraq E  S
Iran E  S
Israel E  S
Jordan E  S
Saudi Arabia E  S
Yemen E  S
Oman E  S
United Arab Emirates E  S
Kuwait E  S
Qatar E  S
Egypt E  S
Dubai E  S

North Africa
Morocco E  S
Algeria E  S
Libya E  S
Tunisia E  S

East Africa
Eritrea E  S
Ethiopia E  S
Somalia E  S
Kenya E  S
Uganda E  S
Tanzania E  S

West Africa
E  S
Southern Africa
Zambia E  S
Zimbabwe E  S
Namibia E  S
Botswana E  S
Mozambique E  S
South Africa E  S
Madagascar E  S
Swaziland E  S
Lesotho E  S
Malawi E  S

Former Soviet Union - Asia
Georgia E  S
Armenia E  S
Azerbaijan E  S
Kazakstan E  S
Uzbekistan E  S
Turkmenistan E  S
Tajikistan E  S
Kyrgyzstan E  S
Russia E  S
Afghanistan E  S
Pakistan E  S
Kashmir E  S
Tibet E  S
Nepal E  S
Bhutan E  S
India E  S
Bangladesh E  S
Sri Lanka E  S
China E  S
Mongolia E  S
North Korea E  S
South Korea E  S
Japan E  S
Taiwan E  S

Southeast Asia
Myanmar E  S
Thailand E  S
Laos E  S
North Viet Nam E  S
South Viet Nam E  S
Cambodia E  S
Malaysia E  S
Philippines E  S
Indonesia E  S
Hong Kong E  S
Macao E  S
Singapore E  S
Brunei E  S
New Guinea E  S

Australia E  S
Tasmania E  S
New Zealand E  S

South Pacific
Micronesia E  S
Solomon Islands E  S
Vanuatu E  S
New Caledonia E  S
Fiji E  S
Tonga E  S
Samoa E  S
Tuvalu E  S
Kiribati E  S
Marshall Islands E  S
Tahiti E  S
Tuamotu Archipelago E  S
Tokelau Group E  S
Easter Island E  S
Cook Island E  S
Society Island E  S

South America
Venezuela E  S
Colombia E  S
Ecuador E  S
Peru E  S
Guyana E  S
Surinam E  S
French Guiana E  S
Brazil E  S
Bolivia E  S
Chile E  S
Argentina E  S
Paraguay E  S
Uruguay E  S
Galapagos Islands E  S
Falkland Islands E  S
South Georgia E  S

Central America
Mexico(includes Baja California) E  S
Guatemala E  S
Honduras E  S
San Salvador E  S
Nicaragua E  S
Costa Rica E  S
Panama E  S

Bahamas E  S
Cuba E  S
Dominican Republic E  S
Haiti E  S
Jamaica E  S
Puerto Rico E  S
Virgin Islands E  S
Leeward Islands E  S
Windward Islands E  S
Trinidad E  S
Tobago E  S
Aruba E  S
Curaçao E  S
Bonaire E  S
Barbados E  S
Antigua E  S
North America
Please Note:
Destination Knowledge is defined by truly knowing all aspects of a specific area and its amenities.
E = Excellent Knowledge       S = Some Knowledge

Canada    E  S
Including the Maritime Provinces of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland

Bermuda   E  S

United States  
AlaskaE  S
AlabamaE  S
ArkansasE  S
ArizonaE  S
CaliforniaE  S
ColoradoE  S
ConnecticutE  S
DelawareE  S
FloridaE  S
GeorgiaE  S
HawaiiE  S
IdahoE  S
IowaE  S
IllinoisE  S
IndianaE  S
KansasE  S
KentuckyE  S
LouisianaE  S
MassachusettsE  S
MarylandE  S
MaineE  S
MichiganE  S
MinnesotaE  S
MissouriE  S
MississippiE  S
MontanaE  S
North CarolinaE  S
North DakotaE  S
NebraskaE  S
New HampshireE  S
New JerseyE  S
New MexicoE  S
New YorkE  S
NevadaE  S
OhioE  S
OklahomaE  S
OregonE  S
PennsylvaniaE  S
Rhode IslandE  S
South CarolinaE  S
South DakotaE  S
TennesseeE  S
TexasE  S
UtahE  S
VirginiaE  S
VermontE  S
Washington, DCE  S
Washington (State)E  S
WisconsinE  S
West VirginiaE  S
WyomingE  S
 Cruise Management
Marketing: Yrs:  Mo:
Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Advertising: Yrs:  Mo:
Finance: Yrs:  Mo:
Administration: Yrs:  Mo:
Telemarketing: Yrs:  Mo:
General Management: Yrs:  Mo:
Reservations: Yrs:  Mo:
Yield Management: Yrs:  Mo:
Air/Sea: Yrs:  Mo:
Tour: Yrs:  Mo:
On-Board: Yrs:  Mo:
Hotel: Yrs:  Mo:
Officer: Yrs:  Mo:
Purser: Yrs:  Mo:
Shore Excursions: Yrs:  Mo:
Port Operations: Yrs:  Mo:
Operations: Yrs:  Mo:
Training: Yrs:  Mo:
Planning: Yrs:  Mo:
Pricing: Yrs:  Mo:
 Executive Management (Complete regardless of Management specialty)
Marketing: Yrs:  Mo:
Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Advertising: Yrs:  Mo:
Finance: Yrs:  Mo:
Administration: Yrs:  Mo:
M&A: Yrs:  Mo:
Benefits/HR: Yrs:  Mo:
Yield Management: Yrs:  Mo:
Administration: Yrs:  Mo:
Operations: Yrs:  Mo:
Finance: Yrs:  Mo:
Budgets: Yrs:  Mo:
Bottomline Responsibility: Yrs:  Mo:
Forecasting: Yrs:  Mo:
Delegation: Yrs:  Mo:
Promotions: Yrs:  Mo:
Special Events: Yrs:  Mo:
Public Relations: Yrs:  Mo:
Direct Response Marketing: Yrs:  Mo:
Call Center Management :  
Outbound: Yrs:  Mo:
Inbound: Yrs:  Mo:
Client Relations: Yrs:  Mo:
Customer Service: Yrs:  Mo:
Franchising: Yrs:  Mo:
IPO: Yrs:  Mo:
RFP's: Yrs:  Mo:
Human Resources: Yrs:  Mo:
Systems & Procedures: Yrs:  Mo:
Due Diligence: Yrs:  Mo:
Trouble Shooter: Yrs:  Mo:
 Finance/Accounting Management
Mergers & Acquisitions: Yrs:  Mo:
Accountant: Yrs:  Mo:
Controller: Yrs:  Mo:
F/C Bookkeeper: Yrs:  Mo:
Due Diligence: Yrs:  Mo:
IPO: Yrs:  Mo:
Computerized Acctg System:
Payroll: Yrs:  Mo:
Taxes: Yrs:  Mo:
Budgets (Maximum): $
Annual Reports: Yrs:  Mo:
CPA: Yrs:  Mo:
Bank Reconciliations: Yrs:  Mo:
Currency Conversions: Yrs:  Mo:
Which Currencies?
CD's: Yrs:  Mo:
IRA: Yrs:  Mo:
Keogh: Yrs:  Mo:
401K: Yrs:  Mo:
401R: Yrs:  Mo:
 Group Management
Marketing: Yrs:  Mo:
Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Advertising: Yrs:  Mo:
Finance: Yrs:  Mo:
Administration: Yrs:  Mo:
Air: Yrs:  Mo:
Following (Gross) $
International: Yrs:  Mo:
Domestic: Yrs:  Mo:
Religious: Yrs:  Mo:
Affinity: Yrs:  Mo:
SMERF: Yrs:  Mo:
Alumni: Yrs:  Mo:
Zoo's: Yrs:  Mo:
Fraternal: Yrs:  Mo:
Educational: Yrs:  Mo:
Adventure: Yrs:  Mo:
Eco-Tourism: Yrs:  Mo:
Incentives: Yrs:  Mo:
Negotiations: Yrs:  Mo:
Costings: Yrs:  Mo:
Operations: Yrs:  Mo:
Tour Guide/Dir: Yrs:  Mo:
 Hotel Management
Marketing: Yrs:  Mo:
Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Advertising: Yrs:  Mo:
Finance: Yrs:  Mo:
Administration: Yrs:  Mo:
General Mgr: Yrs:  Mo:
A/GM: Yrs:  Mo:
Resident Mgr: Yrs:  Mo:
Front Office Mgr: Yrs:  Mo:
Rooms Division Mgr: Yrs:  Mo:
Front Desk Mgr: Yrs:  Mo:
Director of HR/Personnel: Yrs:  Mo:
Controller/Comptroller: Yrs:  Mo:
F&B Director/Mgr: Yrs:  Mo:
Banquet Director/Mgr: Yrs:  Mo:
Catering Director/Mgr: Yrs:  Mo:
Restaurant Mgr: Yrs:  Mo:
Kitchen Mgr: Yrs:  Mo:
Executive Housekeeper: Yrs:  Mo:
Director Engineering: Yrs:  Mo:
Director Security: Yrs:  Mo:
Director Marketing: Yrs:  Mo:
Director P.R.: Yrs:  Mo:
Reservations: Yrs:  Mo:
Concierge: Yrs:  Mo:
Accounting: Yrs:  Mo:
Auditor: Yrs:  Mo:
Executive Chef: Yrs:  Mo:
Sous Chef: Yrs:  Mo:
Garde Chef: Yrs:  Mo:
Other Chefs: Yrs:  Mo:
Entertainment: Yrs:  Mo:
Resort Operations: Yrs:  Mo:
CEO/COO: Yrs:  Mo:
Executive Director: Yrs:  Mo:
Director Advertising: Yrs:  Mo:
Director Purchasing: Yrs:  Mo:
Max. Purchasing Budget: $
Conf/Conv Mgmt: Yrs:  Mo:
 Human Resources Management
Orientations: Yrs:  Mo:
Recruiting: Yrs:  Mo:
Benefits: Yrs:  Mo:
Unions: Yrs:  Mo:
Policies/Procedures Manual: Yrs:  Mo:
Employee Handbooks: Yrs:  Mo:
Records Maintenance: Yrs:  Mo:
Exit Interviews: Yrs:  Mo:
Reference Checks: Yrs:  Mo:
Purchasing: Yrs:  Mo:
Budgets: Yrs:  Mo:
Training: Yrs:  Mo:
Labor Relations: Yrs:  Mo:
Negotiations: Yrs:  Mo:
Exempt: Yrs:  Mo:
Non Exempt: Yrs:  Mo:
HR Mgr: Yrs:  Mo:
HR Director: Yrs:  Mo:
Salaries Analysis: Yrs:  Mo:
VP Human Resources: Yrs:  Mo:
Note: Conv = Conversational
English: Fluent Conv
French: Fluent Conv
German: Fluent Conv
Italian: Fluent Conv
Spanish: Fluent Conv
Chinese:   Fluent Conv
Greek: Fluent Conv
Japanese: Fluent Conv
Russian: Fluent Conv
Arabic: Fluent Conv
Indian: Fluent Conv
Hebrew: Fluent Conv
Portuguese: Fluent Conv
Vietnamese: Fluent Conv
Scandinavian: Fluent Conv
Eastern European: Fluent Conv
Fluent Conv
 Marketing, Advertising, Promotions, Public Relations Management
Trade Shows: Yrs:  Mo:
Advertising: Yrs:  Mo:
Budgets: Yrs:  Mo:
Maximum budget: $
Layout & Design: Yrs:  Mo:
Copywriting: Yrs:  Mo:
Editing: Yrs:  Mo:
Marketing: Yrs:  Mo:
Promotions: Yrs:  Mo:
Special Events: Yrs:  Mo:
Public Relations: Yrs:  Mo:
Launches: Yrs:  Mo:
Ad Agency: Yrs:  Mo:
Graphics: Yrs:  Mo:
Macintosh: Yrs:  Mo:
Direct Response: Yrs:  Mo:
Sweepstakes: Yrs:  Mo:
Contests: Yrs:  Mo:
Writing: Yrs:  Mo:
  Yrs:  Mo:
  Yrs:  Mo:
 Meeting & Event Management
International: Yrs:  Mo:
Domestic: Yrs:  Mo:
Entertainment: Yrs:  Mo:
Presentations/Public Speaking: Yrs:  Mo:
Decorations: Yrs:  Mo:
Catering: Yrs:  Mo:
Production: Yrs:  Mo:
Staging: Yrs:  Mo:
A/V: Yrs:  Mo:
Road Shows: Yrs:  Mo:
Special Events: Yrs:  Mo:
Meetings: Yrs:  Mo:
Conferences: Yrs:  Mo:
Conventions: Yrs:  Mo:
Largest # Attendees:
Budgets - Maximum: $
Site Inspections: Yrs:  Mo:
Site Selection: Yrs:  Mo:
Pre & Post Operations: Yrs:  Mo:
Registation: Yrs:  Mo:
Incentives: Yrs:  Mo:
Negotiations: Yrs:  Mo:
Delegation: Yrs:  Mo:
Speakers: Yrs:  Mo:
Meet & Greet: Yrs:  Mo:
Spousal Programs: Yrs:  Mo:
Fund Raisers: Yrs:  Mo:
Picnics: Yrs:  Mo:
Golf Tournaments: Yrs:  Mo:
Tennis Tournaments: Yrs:  Mo:
Sporting Events: Yrs:  Mo:
Team Building: Yrs:  Mo:
Promotional Material: Yrs:  Mo:
Resorts: Yrs:  Mo:
Airport: Yrs:  Mo:
Downtown: Yrs:  Mo:
Gaming: Yrs:  Mo:
Cruise: Yrs:  Mo:
 Sales Management
Inside: Yrs:  Mo:
Telemarketing: Yrs:  Mo:
Multi-Line: Yrs:  Mo:
Direct Response: Yrs:  Mo:
Airline Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Association Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Automation/Tech Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Bus Company Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Car Rental Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Commercial Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Consortium/Co-Op Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Corporate Sales (Megas): Yrs:  Mo:
Credit Card Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Cruise Line Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Hotel/Motel Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Hotel Rep Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Incentive House Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Insurance Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Rail Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Vacation Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Tourist Board Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Wholesale/Tour Op Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Meeting/Convention Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Groups Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Conglomerate Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Comm'l/Vacation Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Publications Sales: Yrs:  Mo:
Other Sales:
  Yrs:  Mo:
Other Sales:
  Yrs:  Mo:

To avoid the possibility of duplication and complication that would delay the processing of your application, you must list all the companies you've contacted for employment within the last 90 days:
Do you have a Valid Passport? Yes No
Do you have Alien Status? Yes No
Do you have a Green Card? Yes No
Do you have a Work Visa? Yes No
Type of Work Visa:  
Do you have a Student Visa? Yes No
Other? Yes No
* What is your Nationality?
* Citizenship:
Dual Citizenship:

We would appreciate your Comments or Suggestions for Skills that should be added.
 Part 3 *ACCURACY AFFIDAVIT Mandatory 
I certify that the facts and responses set forth in this application, or otherwise made by me to P. Jason King Associates, Inc. or Yours In Travel Group or a prospective employer, are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I authorize the investigation by P. Jason King Associates, Inc. or Yours In Travel Group, or prospective employers or their respective agents, of all statements contained in this application or otherwise made by me, as may be necessary or desired in arriving at an employment decision. I understand that any false statements made by me in this application, or otherwise, constitute sufficient cause for rejection of this application or, if I am subsequently employed, can be grounds for dismissal. I also understand that nothing in this application for employment creates an offer of employment or contract of employment of any kind or nature. If subsequently employed, my employment will be either on an at-will basis or contract basis, as determined by the employer.

Please indicate that you have read and agree to these terms:  

Applicant's Authorization: (Place full name using Upper and Lower Characters)
Name:      Today's Date (use dd/mm/yyyy):

In lieu of an actual signature, please provide the following to confirm your agreement to these terms:
Mother's Maiden Name:


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Please contact us at Problems@PJasonKingAssociates.com
with any problems you may have with the application forms.
Describe your problem in as much detail as possible.


© Copyright P. Jason King Associates, Inc. 3/08

© Copyright P. Jason King Associates, Inc. 07/03.
Updated 03/08.
Updated 06/10.Updated 02/17.